Teaching Parents How To Teach
Teaching Parents How To Teach contains:
- 96 full colour pages
- 25 downloadable worksheets
- Direction of Letters Guides
- Direction of Numbers Guide
- Soft mark resistant cover
- 12 free instruction videos
The Perfect Resource For Every Parent
We all need help from time to time and Teaching Parents How To Teach has been designed from the ground up to help and support parents in the often daunting task of teaching their child.
Every Teacher knows that teaching a group of young children can be challenging. Even the time of year each child is born can have a dramatic effect on how developmentally prepared they are for school. Working on practical activities in the home allows the child to develop independence
and confidence.
When a child is prepared for kindergarten it makes their whole experience at school more enjoyable. For the teachers, having a student who understands the learning process and is ready to participate makes a huge difference in their classroom. Having parents who are able to actively support their child’s classroom work is beneficial to the teacher, the student, and the family.
All of the activities in Teaching Parents How To Teach have a multi-sensorial approach, and they support any level of learning, forming a strong foundation in math and language skills.
We promote independence and building a readiness to learn. Our book is not a workbook, it’s a reference book promoting participation and creating understanding for the parent. This in turn creates opportunities to learn for the child in the home environment.
Inside Teaching Parents How To Teach
The book is divided into three sections, Understanding How to Teach, Language Arts and Math Skills. Our aim is to give the reader confidence so they can take the ideas we show them and develop them further.
Section One – Understanding How to Teach
Parents are often intimidated by the language used by teachers and educators, so the book starts by explaining the meaning of terms like ‘Multi-sensorial’ and ‘Concrete Approach’. We also cover gross and fine motor skill building including 8 worksheets to be copied from the book or downloaded from our web site and printed out.
We show how sewing can be extremely effective in fine motor development and a great way to teach the pincer grasp.
Section Two – Language Arts
In section two we start by introducing parents to teaching the sounds and names of letters. We show how important it is to combine all the senses when teaching and how practical exercises need to be modelled for the child.
We introduce Visual Learning and show parents how to create and use environment cards. We make suggestions on how they can use items around the home and bring them into the learning experience.
We explain how Kinesthetic Learning can create muscle memory and help with retaining information.
We introduce the best ways to start with letter formation and printing of letters. We have included upper and lower case letter direction guides showing how each letter should be drawn.
We gradually introduce and work through the pre-reading exercises of sound sense, matching and word building.
We show parents how to move through the letter blends, digraphs and phonograms in preparation for reading.
The children will get opportunities to work on grammar and punctuation in a fun and non-pressured way.
We lead parents through ways to feel confident and competent with the exercises they introduce to their child. Letting them know that ‘making mistakes’ and how these mistakes are handled is a very important part of the journey. In this way a child can gain confidence in his or her abilities to take a chance.
‘Mistakes are opportunities to learn.’
Section Three – Math Skills
In section three the parents are introduced to practical and multi-sensorial ways to learn math skills. We revisit Visual and Kinesthetic Learning, and number formation. We introduce number sense through activities using everyday materials around their home.
We carefully work through a sequence of practical and non-recording activities of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
We show how objects can be used to give meaning to math, making it easy to extend the exercises we suggest.
Our aim throughout the book is to give understanding, and to help parents develop their own ideas.
In each section of the book we suggest dialogue for parents to use. “There are 8 socks on the floor. I am going to take 2 socks away. Let’s see how many socks are left.”
We move on to time and demonstrate how important it is to give concrete meaning by connecting time to daily activities.
We cover measuring and estimating, using language that allows the parents to understand, teach, review and support.
Math worksheets are easily copied from the book or downloaded from the web site.
All of the activities in the book run from preschool through to grade 2 and we encourage parents to regularly sit for small amounts of time with their child. Small chunks of work each day are more successful than one long sitting.
At all times the emphasis is on the practical activities and building a love of learning. This allows each child a chance to understand how they learn and build confidence and independence.
Capri Doyle, Parent, Vancouver –
Before: When Drina and I made muffins before I thought her wearing and apron and helping me mix the batter was “making muffins together.” I pretty much prepared everything in advance: pulling her play table over, taking out the ingredients and items we need, and then pre-measuring them myself. I had preconceptions of what she was and wasn’t capable of and tried to avoid a big mess. The end goal was a batch of perfect muffins.
After: After reading ‘Teaching Parents How To Teach’, I realized that I could approach “making muffins together” a lot differently. Drina could be involved in the process from beginning to end. My priorities changed. I wasn’t so concerned with “perfect muffins”, but instead with guiding her through an exciting activity that was educational and fun!
We helped each other pull her play table into the kitchen. We read the box together and decided what items and ingredients we would need. Everything was at her level for her to see and use. For the first time SHE used the measuring spoons and cup before pouring everything into the mixing bowl. SHE placed each paper cup in the muffin tin. I modeled how to spoon fill the cups with mix and then let HER fill the rest. Some cups had more and some had less, mix spilled over the sides and dripped on the table, yet she surprised me with just how capable she really was. Since our goal was the process of making muffins we weren’t rushed. We were relaxed and really had a lot of fun.
JJ Scott, Parent and Co-Owner Nestings Kids, Vancouver –
As a mother of three kids and an owner of a children’s store I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Teaching Parents How to Teach for my house and my store. As soon as the book was available, I got a copy, went home and read it from cover to cover in one night. I had heard nothing but amazing things about how Jill teaches and wanted to be able to apply some of her techniques on my own children. After reading the book, I had to pass this knowledge on to all my friends, family and customers.
This book is GREAT! Easy to read and follow along, you don’t need to have a teaching degree to understand how to teach your own children and give them extra conference in school. This book has been great for my kids and I would highly recommend it to anyone with young children.
Tracey MacLeod – Grade 3 Teacher, Vancouver –
I have worked with Jill Whitehouse for 3 years and have seen the difference she has made in so many children’s lives and learning. As a teacher and expectant parent, I am thrilled that she put down even some of her expertise into this amazing book. It contains easy-to-use, concrete strategies that any parent can do with their child. I have shared this book with not only the parents of my students but also with many of my friends who have children. It is my new favourite gift to give on any occasion and it is always received with great thanks. I highly recommend that after you purchase and use this resource your child that you pass it along to those you care about as well.
Colleen Anderson, Kindergarten Teacher Vancouver –
Having used “Teaching Parents How to Teach” in my Kindergarten class, I highly recommend it as an excellent and easy to use resource. It is clearly laid out, informative and very user friendly. I found it especially useful to laminate copies of the activity pages and incorporate them into our daily literacy centres. My students enjoy using whiteboard markers to complete the activities. They find it fun and enjoyable, while at the same time developing important hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. I believe this book is a valuable tool for multi-sensory learning and is a must have for any parent or educator of young children.
Suzanne Yahn – Primary Teacher, Surrey Connect: A Distributed Learning School –
Teaching Parents How to Teach is an excellent resource for parents of primary aged children. It offers valuable teaching tools that are clearly understood, easy to use, and meaningful to children’s development in language arts and math. We were fortunate to have these wonderful authors present some of these tools in a parent workshop at our school. The book and the workshop have been embraced so enthusiastically that we have provided each family with a copy. I would definitely recommend this book to other families who are home schooling their children or want to support what their children are learning at school.
Erica Pikola, Parent, Prince Rupert –
This book is exactly what I was looking for! My five year old son and I work together about 15 minutes a night, and he loves the exercises, especially the mazes. I’m really grateful that this book shows me exactly what to do…I love it, love it, love it!
Rose Wickstead – Grandparent, Vancouver –
My first thought on a cursory review of the book was “what a great idea”. Upon using some of the techniques illustrated with my granddaughter, I discovered the information not only age appropriate to her capabilities but truly enhanced her already enormous capacity to learn and actually understand concepts and make choices. Learning in this manner is a great stride in educating a child and preparing them for the greater world of formal school. Yes, children are sponges and their eagerness to learn knows no bounds, how you harness their interest is critical at this very early stage of their development, creating a life long love of learning. This book does exactly that with pages that jump out at you with lively illustrations, colours and practical tools, creating excitement in the eyes of a child.
The most important thing I’ve learned in using this book as a guide is, it’s never too early to start a child’s journey into learning. My only disappointment is that this book was not around when I had my children and am guilt ridden because, until now, I had no idea how, as a first time parent, I could have made learning much more fun with the appropriate guide such as this book! This book is long overdue!!
Parents out there, consider yourselves very fortunate! We are all aware of how children in third world countries struggle to receive education of any kind, we are the lucky ones who have tools such as this book available, let’s use them to enable our children to make a difference in this world through learning.
My thoughts now? It’s not too late, I do have my beautiful granddaughter and what greater gift can I give her?
Melissa Haffner- Grade 1 Teacher, Vancouver –
I have been a primary teacher for 9 years, and I am now a mother of two young girls. As a teacher you read many educational resources, Teaching Parents How to Teach is the first book that I have come across that caters to the parent. It has become an incredibly useful resource for me, and I currently use the printing guide to help parents of my students teach. This book is a must have for parents today, and it emphasizes the importance of establishing a positive learning experience at home.