Alphabet Individual Lessons K


Letter K makes the sound k
• Instructions
• Lesson Plan
• Keyword Colour Poster
• Direction for Printing Poster
• Multi-Sensory Activity
• Story Book Suggestions
• Tracing Activity Sheet
• Printing Activity Sheet
• Say it, Make it, Write it Activity Sheet
• Find the Letter Activity Sheet
• Take Home Card

In the Individual Alphabet Letter pack your students will learn K makes the sound k for kite through many creative activities. There is a complete lesson plan with a suggested sequence of activities and clear instructions for each. Your students will learn to identify the Letter K and sound k through Naming Words, Actions & Imagination, Tracing, Printing, Creating, Tactile Activity, and Finding Upper Case & Lower Case Letters. There is a list of picture story books to support the sound and suggested activities for continued practice in the Literacy Centre.
The file can be downloaded and printed ready to use without any extra preparation. Your students can begin learning straight away.
I suggest introducing the letters in a word usage format in preparation for word building and reading instead of alphabetical order.
The suggested order is: a, m, s, o, c, i, n, e, h, t, r, d, l, g, f, k, p, u, w, b, v, j, x, z, y, q.