Using picture story books in the classroom increases engagement with a subject. The students are able to immerse themselves in the story and you are able to teach to a certain subject with the support of the pictures and storyline.
I have taken many workshops regarding using picture story books to bring stories and dialogue around important subjects in a safe way. You are able to introduce challenging subjects at a simple level, and allow the students to explore it deeper.
I extend the conversation using activity pages to take the subject further. I have an idea of some of the outcomes I am hoping for, but I keep the ending open to allow students to take the subject in their own direction. This makes for some strong discussions and opinions
Ada’s violin tells the story of a subject very close to my heart. In parts of the world families live close to garbage to make a living. This particular story talks about one of these places where an adult shows ingenuity to create musical instruments out of the garbage. The children can learn music and eventually form an orchestra. Without this project the children’s futures were not hopeful.
I use Venn diagram to compare and contrast similarities and differences. In this activity the students get to explore how things are alike and how they are different. This can be extended into an individual or a classroom project.
In this activity you get to explore the beauty of transformation. Trash becomes music made with love, courage, and creativity.