Welcome to the EarlyMinds New Newsletter!
We started Earlyminds over fifteen years ago to bring beautiful materials to parents who wanted to support their child’s learning. We created materials and published a book to help parents enhance their child’s education experience. We were already creating and developing materials for Jill’s own teaching and tutoring, so we decided to add them to the products available online to educators. At the end of 2021 we launched our redesigned website to be a place for parents, teachers, schools, and tutors.
It takes a village to raise a child and we wanted to bring the educational influencers together in one place.
Inside Issue #1
Our First Newsletter:For Parents
we are discussing ‘What is school readiness” with a free Project Based Learning project.
For Teachers
we’ll be reviewing a picture story book with a free activity, featuring an inspirational educator’s program, and answering questions regarding our spelling program.
For Schools
we’ll look at how we’re working with a primary department in a prestigious private school in Vancouver to offer adaptations and supplemental materials for the Alphabet & Spelling programs.
For Tutors
we’ll outline how Jill’s tutoring has changed with working online, and give a free ‘brain breakers’ tool for to use with their online or in person students.

What is School Readiness?
All of the research shows a direct relationship between how prepared your child is for school and how successful they are throughout their school years, academically and socially.
School Readiness means preparing your child for school, engaging them in interesting and meaningful ways to build the …

Project Based Learning
Using picture story books in the classroom increases engagement with a subject. The students are able to immerse themselves in the story and you are able to teach to a certain subject with the support of the pictures and storyline…

Powerful Understanding by Adrienne Gear
Adrienne Gear is one of those people you want to be friends with. She has a way of talking and laughing that makes you feel like spending time with her would always be filled with joy.
I was first introduced to Adrienne way back in the early 2000’s when she presented a workshop to our school on her first book, Reading Power…

Classroom Spelling Program – A Teacher’s Questions
When my school first adopted our spelling program for the primary department a TOC had some questions for me. She liked it but wanted to know why we’d made some of the decisions we had in the design. We thought if she had these questions, then other teachers may have been wondering…

Picture Story Books – Ada’s Violin
Using picture story books in the classroom increases engagement with a subject. The students are able to immerse themselves in the story and you are able to teach to a certain subject with the support of the pictures and storyline…

What Does The Primary Department Need?
Our Alphabet and Spelling programs are being used exclusively in a prestigious private school in Vancouver, British Columbia. Their English Department and Primary Teachers are working directly with Jill to adapt, differentiate, and create supplemental materials to meet the needs of the students in each grade…

My Introduction to Online Tutoring
Using picture story books in the classroom increases engagement with a subject. The students are able to immerse themselves in the story and you are able to teach to a certain subject with the support of the pictures and storyline…