I write this after finishing a game of snakes and ladders with C and she won the Gold medal! We play other games including Ludo and Pengoloo and these games help teach her counting and memory skills, taking turns and patience.
We re enjoying the Olympic games and are watching them on TV. I gave C a flag to wave at the torchbearer at City Hall when we were expecting Steve Nash. She told her parents that the person held the fire up high for her to see it! On the opening day of the Olympics we took the RAV line and Bombardier train to Granville Island to attend Arts Umbrella. After the classes we caught the aquabus to Yaletown where we met Mommy for lunch and watched the torch arrive.
Her parents have taken her downtown to the Robson rink where she watched the mascots skate and had her photo taken with them. She now has the four mascots and knows their origins.
We collected rocks and she has built inukshuks while learning to balance the rocks. She has painted Olympic pictures of the torch and stuck on the paint pot lids to make the Olympic circles. She drew an inukshuk on plain white paper which I wrapped around a paper towel roll and tucked red paper in the top to make her a torch.
February has been exciting for C. We celebrated Chinese New Year with her best friend, first enjoying dim sum at a restaurant and then at B’s house when the girls made dumplings. My friend was concerned about the girls touching raw meat so she made a mixture of peas, beans and tofu which they folded into the rice wrappers. It was fun and then they got to taste them.
Of course, on Valentine’s Day we made cookies and home made cards for the family. C has discovered scissors and now loves to cut paper.
The weather has been warm and sunny and perfect for bike riding and going to the park. We have a dog and walk him a couple of times a day and he waits patiently while C climbs, slides and swings at the park.
C’s birthday is coming up in March and we are busy planning a party so we look forward to another exciting event in her life when she becomes a preschooler.